Here is the red chard all ready to go into the pan. I had never had chard before, so this was a new experience. I chose to sautee it in olive oil and crushed garlic. It came out well, but it is a bitter tasting green.
Here it is all done:
I also made butternut squash for the first time (yeah I was feeling adventurous with my cooking today). It came out really well. I boiled it and the melted in some butter and brown sugar:
Finally the finished plate:
Desert will be cake since tomorrow is Josh's birthday. I have become enchanted with the idea of Sunday dinners. They were not something that my family really did. We had a day during the week where we would go over to my grandparents house and have dinner though, usually fajitas and Dove bars. I loved those dinners. So Sunday dinners are starting to become a every week thing this winter. Josh says he looks forward to them because they are always so good. I look forward to it because I get to cook all day. I know some people would think that it is insane that I think that much time in the kitchen is fun, but at the moment it releases stress and makes me happy.
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